Keywords are generally written to a file
.This file can be conveniently created using theodore theoinp
For reference an autogenerated list of input options is given below.
Keyword |
Default |
Description |
lvprt |
1 |
Print level |
mo_file |
None |
MO-coefficient file (Molden format) |
rtype |
None |
Third party program and calculation type |
rfile |
None |
Main output file of the third party program |
rfile2 |
None |
Second output file (if applicable) |
ana_files |
[] |
List of files to analyze |
read_binary |
False |
Read information from a binary file (if applicable) |
read_libwfa |
False |
Switch to libwfa output (applicable for qctddft, rassi) |
ignore_irreps |
[] |
Ignore irreps in the MO file |
min_bf |
() |
Min. contrib. of a basis function type in the MO file, e.g. (2, 0.5) |
rd_ene |
False |
Interpret energies as occupations in the NO files |
occ_fac |
1.0 |
Multiply NO occpuations by this factor |
unrestricted |
False |
Read unrestricted orbitals |
ana_states |
[] |
Analyze only a set of states (list starts with 1) |
at_lists |
None |
Fragment definition for CT number analysis |
frag_lists |
None |
List of fragments |
coor_file |
None |
File with coordinates |
coor_format |
None |
Format of coordinate file as defined by Open Babel |
output_file |
ana_summ.txt |
Main output file |
jmol_orbitals |
True |
Export orbitals (NTOs or NDOs) as Jmol script |
molden_orbitals |
False |
Create a Molden file for each set of NTOs or NDOs |
min_occ |
0.05 |
Minimal occupation for orbital print out |
alphabeta |
False |
Use alpha/beta rather than neg./pos. to code for hole/electron? |
mcfmt |
% 10E |
Output format for Molden coefficients |
output_prec |
(7, 3) |
Number of total and decimal digits for print-out of the summary |
print_sorted |
True |
Print the final output sorted by energies |
Om_formula |
1 |
How to compute Omega: 0 - Mulliken (simple), 1 - Mulliken, 2 - Lowdin |
prop_list |
[] |
List of properties for final print out. |
print_OmAt |
False |
Print the OmAt to .npy file and use for automatic restart |
print_OmFrag |
True |
Print out the fragment Omega matrix to an ASCII file |
eh_pop |
1 |
Print e/h populations: 1 - for fragments, 2 - also for atoms, 3 - bfs |
comp_ntos |
True |
Compute natural transition orbitals |
comp_dntos |
False |
Compute the domain NTOs |
dnto_frags |
[] |
Compute DNTOs only for these fragments |
ref_state |
(1, 1) |
Which state to use as reference (irrep, state) |
pop_ana |
True |
Perform a population analysis |
unpaired_ana |
True |
Perform analysis of unpaired electrons |
NO_ana |
True |
Compute natural orbitals |
AD_ana |
True |
Perform attachment/detachment analysis and compute the NDOs |
BO_ana |
True |
Bond order analysis |
min_BO |
0.5 |
Minimal bond order to print |
mo_pop_type |
-1 |
Pop. ana. of MOs: 1 - for atoms, 2 - for basis function types |
cube_orbitals |
False |
Output orbitals as cube files (requires orbkit)? |
vmd_ntos |
False |
VMD network for NTOs |
vmd_ntos_iv |
0.01 |
isovalue |
comp_p_h_dens |
False |
Electron/hole densities as cube files |
vmd_ph_dens |
False |
vmd_ph_dens_iv |
0.01 |
comp_rho0n |
False |
Transition densities as cube files |
vmd_rho0n |
False |
vmd_rho0n_iv |
0.01 |
comp_rho |
False |
Densities and unpaired densities as cube files |
numproc |
1 |
Num. processors for orbkit |
orbkit_extend |
4.0 |
Extension of cube files around molecule |
orbkit_step |
0.4 |
Step size in cube file |
comp_dnto_dens |
0 |
Cube files for DNTO densities 0 - none, 1 - hole, 2 - elec., 3 - both |
fchk_dnto_dens |
0 |
Print DNTO densities to the fchk file (0-3) |
normalize_dnto_dens |
False |
Normalize the DNTO densities for each fragment |
ncore |
{} |
Dictionary: number of frozen core orbitals per irrep |
False |
Use of TDA rather than full TDDFT (Q-Chem) |