Electron-hole correlation plots
Electron-hole correlation plots can be created with the theodore plot_omfrag
You are asked about the output options directly by this script.
To view the output, simply open the file OmFrag.html
in a web browser (Example plots).
Generation of property graphs
allows automatic generation of graphs of the different properties evaluated by TheoDORE.
For this purpose, it is assumed that several directories with analagous computations are present (e.g. from a potential curve).
Call theodore plot_graph
and follow the instructions on the screen.
The graphs are collected in a file graphs.html
(Example graphs).
For parsing Newton-X trajectories, a specialized script
Absorption spectrum
Create a convoluted absorption spectrum from the energies and oscillator strengths parsed by analyze_tden
theodore spectrum <tden_summ1> [<tden_summ2> ...]
It is also possible to compute the density of states (no weighting by oscillator strengths) and to add restrictions with respect to the states chosen (e.g. only states with CT > 0.5).
Fragment decomposition (e/h populations)
An interactive script plot_frag_decomp
can be used for plotting the fragment decomposition of the electron and hole populations of the excited states.
To be called after analyze_tden

Fragment decomposition (Omega matrices)
An interactive script plot_om_bars
can be used for plotting the fragment decomposition of the electron and hole populations of the excited states.
To be called after analyze_tden
The script proceeds by asking for different components, which are each in turn composed of several donor/acceptor pairs.
To define, for example, the MLCT states in a complex with three ligands, proceed like this:
Name of component 1
Choice: MLCT
Color for plotting
Choice: blue
*** Fragment pairs belonging to MLCT ***
Enter two indices between 1 and 4, separated by spaces
Leave empty to finish
Hole/electron indices for pair 1
Choice: 1 2
Hole/electron indices for pair 2
Choice: 1 3
Hole/electron indices for pair 3
Choice: 1 4
Hole/electron indices for pair 4
... switching to next component.