Program specific information
Use the rtype
keyword in
to specify the respective method.
In general, TheoDORE needs two types of information: density matrices and MO coefficients. This page contains specific information about how to obtain this information from the different quantum chemistry programs.
The ADCMAN module of Q-Chem is already interfaced to the wavefunction analysis library libwfa. Therefore, most analysis steps can be performed within Q-Chem. The main purpose of TheoDORE is to enable plotting of electron-hole correlation plots and other fragment-based analysis methods.
To run the libwfa analysis set in the input file:
state_analysis true
adc_print 3
Make sure the file
is copied back to be used by TheoDORE.
Futhermore, specific analysis descriptors can be parsed and put into a convenient table. To do so run
theodore parse_libwfa qchem.out qcadc
The CIS/TDDFT module of Q-Chem is directly interfaced to the wavefunction analysis library libwfa (see JCP 143, 171101 (2015) for more details). Most analysis steps are performed within Q-Chem and the main purpose of TheoDORE is to enable plotting of electron-hole correlation plots.
To run the libwfa analysis set in the input file (and copy back
state_analysis true
To obtain a summary of the Q-Chem/libwfa job, run
theodore parse_libwfa qchem.out [qctddft / qctda]
Alternatively, the standard output can be parsed. To do this set read_libwfa=False
In this case, the X vector is parsed and interpreted as the 1TDM while the Y vector is ignored. The following non-standard options have to be set in the input file:
cis_ampl_print 1
print_orbitals 5000
molden_format true
The first one assures that enough amplitudes are printed for a meaningful semi-quantitative analysis. The second and third cause the print-out of all orbitals in Molden format, written to the end of the standard output file. This Molden file has to be extracted and copied to a new file qchem.mld.
Per default RPA vectors are parsed. If you are interested in TDA vectors, specify
TDA true
fchk files
It is also possible to parse formatted checkpoint (fchk) files generated using the
state_analysis true
gui 2
options. In this case, TheoDORE can read the transition density matrices and do the full analysis.
It is also possible to parse generic libwfa
output by using the libwfa keyword.
This can be used for EOM-CC calculations.
MCSCF transition density matrices are written by the program mcscf.x
To compute these, it is either possible to compute non-adiabatic coupling vectors or to use the shortcut of creating an mcdenin
This file has the same structure as the transmomin
file, e.g.
1 2 1 1
1 3 1 1
1 4 1 1
1 5 1 1
1 6 1 1
will compute all transition moments between the 1st and the 2nd through 6th states in DRT 1.
After the computation call write_den.bas`h
to convert the binary files into a form that can be read by TheoDORE. For this purpose the $COLUMBUS variable has to be set.
State density matrix analysis is possible when the computation of dipole moments was requested.
In this case it is possible to use the above procedure or to simply analyze the NO coefficient files in the MOLDEN
The MR-CI transition density analysis works in the case that transition moments were requested in the job control stage.
After this it is assumed that LISTINGS/trncils*
files with the transition density matrices are available.
Frozen core orbitals have to be specified explicitly in the input file to get correct results.
To specify, for example, four frozen orbitals of a symmetry and three of b use:
ncore={'a':4, 'b':3}
In addition, the MO-coefficients of the preceeding MCSCF calculation have to be made available, typically in MOLDEN/molden_mo_mc.sp
For a state density analysis at the MR-CI level, the NO files should be read in rather than using the colmrci
Alternatively, an attachment/detachment analysis can be done with the densav.x functionality of COLUMBUS.
The prefered way to use Molcas is through the libwfa library, which is available through OpenMolcas as described in JCTC, 13, 5343 (2017). In this way it is possible to analyze RASSCF and MS-CASPT2 computations.
First, run Molcas using the &WFA module
h5file = $Project.rassi.h5
and copy back the *.om
files. In theoinp
specify “y” for
Did you use &WFA? (read_libwfa):
Choice (y/n): [y]
and proceed as usual.
Molcas (old)
It is also possible to parse Molcas RASSI output but this only works for singlet states.
In the case of Molcas, the output of the RASSI program is parsed. This gives access to RASSCF density and transition density matrices, so far without explicit point group symmetry. Note: The output is only parsed correctly if all states in the RASSI computation derive from the same RASSCF computation and if the specified Molden file derives from this calculation.
First run a RASSCF + RASSI job with the (undocumented) TRD1 keyword:
Then copy the transition densities to a directory TRD:
mkdir TRD && cp $WorkDir/TRD2* TRD
Alternatively, a state density matrix analysis can be performed by using the natural orbitals created by Molcas. However, for an analysis of unpaired electrons the NOs have to be changed from spin-orbitals to spatial orbitals.
For an MS-CASPT2 calculation, the following input sections can be used
multistate = 4 1 2 3 4
imag = 0.3
>> SAVE $Project.JobMix JOB001
1 4
1 2 3 4
This will yield density matrices mixed according to the MS-CASPT2 calculation, which can in turn be analyzed by TheoDORE.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to use the EJOB keyword in connection with this procedure. Therefore, the energies and oscillator strengths given are not consistent!
CC2 / ADC(2)
If you have the binary CCRE0*
files, written by Turbomole, available, then choose the option
. Use tm2molden
without further options to create the MO file. For printing the NTOs, it is not possible to use ` jmol_orbitals` in this case, but only molden_orbitals.
Alternatively, approximate transition density matrices can be read directly from the standard output of ricc2. The MO file is again created with tm2molden. However, it is important that also the frozen orbitals are contained in the MO file. This can be achieved by running the following commands:
sed -i "/implicit core/d" control
echo -e "\n\n"|tm2molden
In the TDDFT case, the sing_a
or trip_a
files are parsed and interpreted as 1TDMs.
For CIS/TDA, the ciss
or cist
files are read.
This analysis only works if no explicit symmetry is chosen in the initial job setup.
MO-coefficients have to be supplied by tm2molden
Terachem - TDDFT
For a trans. dens. mat. analysis, the CI vectors are read from standard output and the MO coefficients from a Molden file produced by Terachem. To print more CI vector elements, use
cisprintthresh 0.01
A state/difference density matrix analysis is possible by using the NO files produced when using
cisnos yes
Natural orbital files
Natural orbital (NO) files can be parsed directly using analyze_nos
Alternatively, you can use theoinp
follows by analyze_sden
This analysis works on NO files, produced for example by Q-Chem/libwfa, Columbus, and OpenMolcas.
Alternatively, MO files of DFT jobs may be used, for example to compare singlet and triplet states or states with different electron number.
Run theodore analyze_nos -h
to see all command line options.
Some care needs to be taken in order for TheoDORE to understand the data given correctly.
For analysis of NOs, it is important that one reference containing the full invertible MO-matrix is given.
This file can be specified using the -r
Starting in TheoDORE 2.0.1, the preferred version of parsing ORCA TDDFT jobs uses a Molden format file and the orca.cis
Run an ORCA job and copy back the
files. Note: the filenameorca.cis
is hardcoded in TheoDORE.Create a molden file using
orca_2mkl orca -molden
theodore theoinp
and select13
Type of job (rtype):
[12] cclib - Use external cclib library: Gaussian, GAMESS, ...
[13] orca - ORCA TDDFT (using a Molden file and cclib)
Choice: 13
This produces the following input file
ORCA using cclib
Alternatively, ORCA can be parsed entirely with the cclib library. If you want to do that, set the following output options:
PrintLevel Normal
Print[ P_MOs ] 1
Print[ P_Overlap ] 1
It is recommended also in this case to read the CI-vectors from the binary file orca.cis
rather than from standard output. To do this, set
In the case of TDA both options work, for RPA read_binary=True
has to be used.
Gaussian - TDDFT
Gaussian is parsed with the cclib library. Set the pop=full iop(9/40=3)`
option to increase the number of CI vector elements printed.
to print the basis functions and iop(3/33=4)`
to get the overlap matrix.
Example input:
#p PBEPBE/6-31G* td=(singlets, nstates=10) pop=full iop(9/40=3) GFINPUT
For some applications, in particular in connection with ORBKIT, it is advisable to supply an externally generated molden file with orbital information.
For this purpose, open the Gaussian-log file in Molden. Choose “Write - Molden Format” and save as orbs.mld
. Then specify this file in
Firefly - TDDFT
Firefly has been succesfully interfaced with TheoDORE, see EXAMPLES/CCLIB/SnH4-ecp.firefly. Firefly output is parsed with the cclib library.
In the new ADF interface all information is read from the binary TAPE21
file. Use the rfile
option to point to this file.
To run the analysis, you need to activate the ADF scripts and license, e.g.
. ~/
export SCMLICENSE=/usr/license/adf/licenses/license.txt
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/license/adf/adf2016.101/scripting
The interface analyzes the eigenvectors of the reduced dimensional problem as printed out by ADF. Note, that these are only normalized in the case of the Tamm-Dancoff approximation.
It is not possible to visualize NTOs using the TheoDORE/ADF interface since Slater type orbitals, as employed by ADF, are not supported. It is, however, possible to compute NTOs within ADF itself.
The atom-numbering for at_lists pertains to the original ordering in the input file rather than the internal ordering used by ADF.
An interface to DFTB+ was written by Ljiljana Stojanovic. This interface currently reads the following files:
EXC.DAT (main excited state information) - specified as ‘rfile’
eigenvec.out (MO coefficients) - specified as ‘mo_file’
XplusY.DAT (response vector)
SPX.DAT (ordering of response vector) (geometry information)
detailed.out (orbital occupations and energies)
wfc.3ob-3-1.hsd (DFTB parameter file)
TheoDORE also features an interface to the DFT/MRCI program.
Singlet and triplet states can be analyzed.
The interface works for analyze_tden
as well as analyze_sden
Example inputs/outputs are presented in EXAMPLES/STANDARD/fa2.dftmrci.
To use TheoDORE, run DFT/MRCI and generate density matrices. You can use, for example, the following workflow
mrci_serial < mrci.inp > mrci.out
cp mrci.refconf mrci2.inp
mrci_serial < mrci2.inp > mrci2.out
sed 's/orca/orca\n$dmat/' mrci2.inp > mrci2_dmat.inp
mrci_serial < mrci2_dmat.inp > mrci2_dmat.out
This will produce the mrci2.out
and mrci.cidens
files to be read by TheoDORE.
An interface for TDDFT computations in ONETEP is available. Currently (October 2021) this interface requires a developoment version of ONETEP. The interface can perform an analysis of CT numbers but no exporting of orbitals or densities is possible.
Analysis occurs in a mixed basis where excitations proceed from a valence basis to a joint basis. TheoDORE needs information on both types of bases to operate. The following files are required:
Here, <rfile>
is a joint prefix to all the files, which is read from
the input file
and can be specified via theoinp
Other programs (cclib)
In principle all third party programs, which are parsed by the cclib library can be used. These are: ADF, Firefly, GAMESS, Gaussian, Jaguar, Molpro, ORCA. But not all of these have been tested by the developers and it may be necessary to set some additional program specific options. Please report, if you did so successfully.
To quickly check whether a logfile can be parsed by cclib, simply type: <logfile>